In Action
Building Unity
Glimpses from the books
To contribute to a unified environment requires more than an understanding of relevant concepts. Certain skills and abilities, attitudes and qualities are also needed. The DLP series as a whole explores a variety of concepts related to unity building while helping to foster essential attributes.
Stories such as this one from Walking the Straight Path encourage those studying the books to think expressly about important concepts. Their understanding is strengthened in the exercises that follow, which also seek to shape some of the attitudes and qualities needed for the promotion of unity.

Voices from the field
The statements on the right speak to the extraordinary capacity of young people to work for unity in their communities.
My capacity to live in harmony has increased, and I learned how to talk to children and how to behave with others. Because before I would get really angry if someone said something I didn’t like. Now I don’t. Now I see the truth in what they say.
My aspiration is to make this society change. If I look at society, I see that most of the junior youth have been badly ruined by social problems. So I’m trying to make these junior youth know that they can change, and they can transform the society in the future so that it can be a good society. When you transform a junior youth at the age of 12 to 15, they become so much more equipped, spiritually and intellectually. They have the ability to solve so many problems in society.